“Altro da sé”, a mosaic by Laura Carraro. A portrait narrating what is invisible to the eye

“Altro da sé”, a mosaic by Laura Carraro. A portrait narrating what is invisible to the eye

Altro da sé – Other than self “Contemporary portrait can’t be enclosed in one identity, in a precise colour or in a certain reality only”. “Nowadays, humanity’s destiny is intersection: of peoples, races, cultures. That’s why I worked on mixture, where identity isn’t depending from colour. It’s a hybrid identity, that is continuously changing and evolving, […]

Why are stones used in mosaics and what values do they encompass?

Why are stones used in mosaics and what values do they encompass?

“Stones carry with them the history of the world. And very often it is they which inspire in us the work itself and its intrinsic message.” [Stonework Personages] – Tiziano Terzani by Mohamed Chabarik / Stones from the TagliamentoRiver) Laura Carraro and Mohamed Chabarik speak of the great value of stones in the mosaic. Round, […]