On october 12th the inauguration of GAEM prize exhibition at the art museum of Ravenna, where Breath, Laura Carraro’s work, has been selected

On october 12th we’re in Ravenna with Breath, Laura Carraro’s mosaic that has been chosen among a lot of international projects for GAEM prize (Young artists and mosaic), that will be shown in a collective exhibition at MAR, the Art Museum of the city of Ravenna.

Laura Carraro-Italia-Breath-40x123cm-2013_1 (Copia) The work selected for the prize is part of the research on the Discontinuous mosaic surfaces, which gives a 3D and unstable interpretation of the reality. In Breath the techniques of mosaic open to unconventional materials like silicon and pvc tubes, that allow to reach new three-dimensional effects. The artist plays with the ductility of the tubes and creates a progression of different highnesses to convey the idea of breathing. A link to this idea is also the bycicle inner tube used as the frame of the mosaic.

Laura Carraro-Italia-Breath-40x123cm-2013_4 (Copia)